Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Practicing And Performing In The Winter

Winter is a wonderful opportunity for inviting us to turn inward to nurture our creative spirits! We in Minnesota love our outdoor activities of ice skating, skiing, snow shoeing, ice fishing, inner tubing down steep hills, and the list goes on.  We also love our arts in Minneapolis/Saint Paul.  There are dozens of indie theaters and professional venues in which to lose ourselves in the stories of other characters and to be inspired by great artists. Our local universities and music schools have cozy to imposing concert areas to meet any fine arts taste.

Those of us lucky enough to be pursuing our own musical excellence may find the season of winter to be a motivating and creative time to practice and perform.  Since we find ourselves indoors more than other seasons of the year, it is easy to find more practice and listening time.  Trying to memorize that Minuet?  Working on modal scales for your new music ensemble?  Wanting to listen to Brahms/Rachmaninoff/Haydn orchestral pieces?  Winter is your season!

For younger music students, this is a season where parents may entice their children to play a little more by: having music playing in the background in your household, parents actually taking out instruments and playing them (piano is great for inspiring a kiddo to practice since it's so easy to sit down and play), and using positive, specific verbal praise when your child is practicing.  Humor is a great motivator, as well, such as dancing a jig while your child is playing their instrument.

Remember to enjoy arts opportunities in your community by purchasing tickets and showing up to support them.  Any performance you are able to share with your child will showcase the artists' passion for their craft whether it be dance, musicals, or a childrens' museum.  A good way to stay aware of local events is to bookmark the different websites of venues in your area.

And, now I must end this post by helping us to remember to keep our bodies healthy by getting outside and choosing to participate in whatever outdoor activity makes you happy!

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